before & after school care
Our programming is committed to nurturing and extending each child's cognitive, physical, emotional and intellectual development in a child friendly, supportive and fun environment.
Who Can Come
Open to children from Kindergarten to Year 6
Open to children who are enrolled in our Preschool
Hours of Operation
Before school care (BSC) 6.30am – 9am
After school care (ASC) 3pm - 6.30pm
Vacation Care
How do you keep your child busy during the school holidays?
Why not organise a playdate for your child and their friends here with us during the school holidays = no mess and noise at your house! They can attend out of centre excursions and have loads of fun!
Operation Times
Monday - Friday 6.30am - 6.30pm NSW
Through theBilambil App (Select Vacation Care)
Water bottle, recess and lunch. Afternoon tea provided.
Sun safe clothing, hat and closed in shoes.
Cancellation Policy:
Please select your days carefully as there is no cancellation period. Full fees, less eligible CCS will apply.
Vacation Care Fees:
$85 for school aged children & $95 for Preschoolers, less Child Care Subsidy. Below are estimated fees with CCS deducted.